Summary: The actor’s latest film, Kinds of Kindness, is winning rave reviews — but will he ever escape his role as Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriend?

Joe Alwyn: ‘The end of a long relationship is a hard thing to navigate’

Source: Laura Pullman - 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z


Joe Alwyn has a spring in his step. He’s freshly back from the Cannes Film Festival and looks every inch the off-duty, discreet movie star in his Loewe trousers and Bottega Veneta rubber trainers. “I feel like I could go rock climbing in these,” he says of his £710 shoes, adding that they were part of his Cannes wardrobe and crediting his stylist. “She helps with things like that because I’m incapable.”

Interviewing the Kent-born, London-raised actor is a tricky gig. He’s friendly, engaging and seems an all-round decent bloke who calls his mum and gives up his seat on the bus, but he’s also guarded and appears nervous to say anything that could be construed as even the slightest bit controversial. Clearly being the