Summary: India’s central bank will pay a 2.1 trillion-rupee ($25 billion) dividend to the government, more than double what was budgeted, shoring up fiscal revenues before a new administration takes office after elections.

India Eyes $12 Billion Bonanza From RBI Dividends, Helping Meet Budget Target

Source: Anup Roy, Ruchi Bhatia - 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z


India’s central bank will pay a 2.1 trillion-rupee ($25 billion) dividend to the government, more than double what was budgeted, shoring up fiscal revenues before a new administration takes office after elections.

The transfer was approved Wednesday by the Reserve Bank of India board in a meeting in Mumbai, the central bank said on its website. The government had budgeted to receive 1.02 trillion rupees in dividends from the RBI and state-controlled banks. The central bank also raised its contingency risk buffer to 6.5%, citing resilience in economic growth.